Well Contaminants
Wells may be impacted by certain microbiological or chemical contaminants depending on the well location, well construction characteristics, area activities, and surface to groundwater geologic pathways. For example, wells in limestone geology, also known as "karst", may be more vulnerable to contamination from nearby surface activities. This is due to potential fissures in the limestone that can aid contaminants in traveling from surface to groundwater, especially during significant heavy rain events.
Bacteria is a common microbial contaminant that can be introduced into ground water through a combination of well construction characteristics, surface to groundwater geologic pathways, intense rain events, and various surface activities. A common test for bacteria is the "total coliform bacteria" test. See the testing information below to find a DEP regional office where a bacterial test kit can be purchased.
If you receive a positive test that shows total coliform bacteria present, this is an indication that you should not consume your water without boiling it first for 1 minute at a rolling boil. Boiled or bottled water should be used for drinking, cooking, food preparation, dish washing, making ice and coffee, mixing baby formula and brushing teeth.