Applications/Forms - Wyoming State Engineer's Office
Applications/Forms - Wyoming State Engineer's Office
Applications/Forms - Wyoming State Engineer's Office
In Wyoming getting a water well permit can take from 2 to 3 weeks to get, BUT there is a trick shot to get one in 1 week or less. Call us or text us for details.
LInks for wyoming well permit info and print outs. How to get Wyoming water well permit in Saratoga wy, jackson, wy, casper wy, riveton wy
Applications/Forms - Wyoming State Engineer's Office
Applications/Forms - Wyoming State Engineer's Office
Wyoming requires a water well permit before even starting drilling a water well. The best thing is to get your permit early. Permits are good for 1 yr. With a short working season in Wyoming, this will insure the driller can start sooner rather than later.
Applications/Forms - Wyoming State Engineer's Office
< if you need help getting your water well water tested, we can help. OR The Wyoming Public Health Laboratory (WPHL) offers EPA certified water testing services for Total Coliforms and E. coli. This service has been available to federal, state, and local agenices for many years. In 2010, we moved into a new facility and are now able to i
< if you need help getting your water well water tested, we can help. OR The Wyoming Public Health Laboratory (WPHL) offers EPA certified water testing services for Total Coliforms and E. coli. This service has been available to federal, state, and local agenices for many years. In 2010, we moved into a new facility and are now able to increase the number of samples tested in this laboratory section. WPHL is accepting samples from both private individuals and private businesses. We can service the water testing and reporting needs of the rural homeowners that would like to test their domestic wells at the end of the irrigation season, as well as private businesses that have EPA water testing requirements.
Significant Changes from the 1974 Rules and Regulations:
Annular space for upper seal is defined
Top 20 feet must have a 2-inch annulus
Casing must be certified ASTM, API, NSF, or AWWA
Casing must be one nominal size larger than pump assembly
No 4-inch pumps in a 4-inch well casing
Increased distance from contaminant sources
Must use potable water for drilling
Much more rigorous disinfection standards
Gravel packed wells should be sealed from above the gravel to the surface
Backflow prevention is required
18-inch stickup (consistent with county health departments)
Changed well type descriptions
Commercially manufactured screen is required for gravel-packed and naturally developed wells
Who Has to Comply with the Water Well Minimum Construction Standards?
It is the joint responsibility of the drilling and/or pump contractor(s) and well owner(s) to comply with these standards. Further, the well owner(s) must maintain a well in a condition so that it does not contribute to contamination (pollution) of the groundwater supply.
Every well constructed or repaired with a withdrawal of well casing after the adoption of these standards must comply with them. Any deviation from these standards must be approved in writing by the State Engineer or his designee.
Do I Need a Permit to Drill a Water Well?
Yes. Any person who intends to acquire the right to beneficial use of any underground water in the state of Wyoming, shall, before commencing construction of any well or other means of obtaining underground water or performing any work in connection with construction or proposed appropriation of underground water or any manner utilizing the water for beneficial purposes, shall file with the State Engineer an application for a permit to make the appropriation (i.e., an Application for Permit to Appropriate Ground Water, or a U.W. 5 Form) and shall not proceed with any construction or work until a permit is granted by the State Engineer (W.S. 41-3-930).
Do I Need a License to Drill a Water Well?
Yes. It is unlawful for any person to construct, alter, or rehabilitate a water well or install pumping equipment in a water well without a license as provided by W.S. 33-42-101 through 33-42-117 unless you are:
Drilling an oil or gas well or installing a pump in an oil or gas well, where the oil and gas well is permitted pursuant to W. S. 30-5-115,
Installing a pump in a well on land owned by or leased to you or on which you are employed on a regular basis,
Drilling a monitoring well that does not require a permit from the State Engineer (i.e., a well with a nominal casing size less than 4-inches in diameter and used exclusively for obtaining water quality samples or water levels),
Drilling on land owned by you, or
Operating drilling equipment or conducting other drilling or boring operations which do not require a permit from the State Engineer to appropriate groundwater (e.g., uranium test holes).
What Happens if I Don’t Comply with the Water Well Minimum Construction Standards?
If compliance with these Water Well Minimum Construction Standards will not result in a well that is sufficiently sealed from either surface or subsurface contamination, then the drilling and/or pump contractor(s) and well owner(s) must use additional safeguards to protect the groundwater supply and its users.
The State Engineer is authorized and empowered on advice and consent of the Board of Control to require the abatement of any condition, or the sealing of the well, responsible for the admission of polluting materials into an underground water supply.
What if I want to construct a well differently than that allowed by the Water Well Minimum Construction Standards?
Any waiver or variance to these Water Well Minimum Construction Standards can only be obtained by applying for the waiver or variance to the State Engineer in writing – and before the well is constructed. The waiver or variance will not result in a well that will have a detrimental effect on the groundwater resource.
Get a Quote for New Water Well 307-267-8923
Wyoming History of drilling goes deep.
Find your Dream Ranch, then have us drill your Water well.
Find your Dream Ranch, then have us drill your Water well.
Wyoming is tough County especially 100 years ago.
There is a reason why Colorado has 5 million people, and Wyoming only has 450k. We can have heavy duty winters here and high winds for weeks, not hours.
Still a Great place to live and work and raise a family.
If you don't mind NOT living close to a large shopping mall, Wyoming may be for you..
Find your Dream Ranch, then have us drill your Water well.
Find your Dream Ranch, then have us drill your Water well.
Find your Dream Ranch, then have us drill your Water well.
The best clean water and the very best well construction is our goal. We not only drill in Wyoming, We live here. We are your neighbors. Don't trust your well to out of state hired hands that do not know Wyoming water formations.
307-267-8923 or 307-329-3232
We love what we do.
Find your Dream Ranch, then have us drill your Water well.
You can't see when your drilling down hole.
We stay on the job until we are finished.
Also, the owner Andrew , himself Will drill your water well, not a green hired hand. With the owner there in person doing the work, your insured the best water that can be drilled.
You can't see when your drilling down hole.
You can't see when your drilling down hole.
You can't see when your drilling down hole.
This is why experience counts. You have to read the signs , like a old Indian when drilling to know when you hit water.
How deep can you drill !
You can't see when your drilling down hole.
Off Grid Wyoming Water well
We can drill up to 1500 ft deep.
Why hire someone to drill for you that can only go 300 or 400 ft. What if you need to go just another 150ft but the driller is already maxed out. He leaves and you have no water.
Off Grid Wyoming Water well
You can't see when your drilling down hole.
Off Grid Wyoming Water well
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